“Here we were, parachutes strapped on, looking out the proverbial airplane door, ready to jump, with no idea of how bumpy the trip down might be. Would we chicken out and stay in the plane, or just close our eyes and jump?”
Lifelong friends – both adoptees – decided they would take a chance and search for their birth parents using online DNA kits and social media. It turns out, that was the easy part. What happened over the next five years was much more difficult – trying to forge relationships with a multitude of related strangers while navigating decades of invisible and unexpected emotional land mines. This is what they found.
Now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon, IndieBound, Barnes & Noble (bn.com) and other places great books are sold. Audiobook scheduled for release late Summer 2023.

Our publishing house was founded by creatives for creatives. Marcinson works in direct partnership with remarkable talent, crafting outstanding books that make a real difference to their audiences. Books that express new ideas, improve communications, touch hearts, and bring new voices to the conversation.

Marcinson Press works with our bright, talented artists and retailers to provide quality books and apps that reach indie, niche, and mass markets. Flexibility, interaction, and partnership are central to our unique approach, which has earned raves from both creatives and audiences.

Being independent allows us to work outside the box and truly bring new ideas to the table. Our creatives include those who have traditionally published, first-timers, and everything in between. What they all have in common is a desire to produce interesting books for modern readers.